Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jude's Pet Armadillidiidae

Dear Jude,

If I am ever in hospital and unable to do much besides watch television (or make ghosts out of rubber bands and tissues) please don't change the channel to football and walk out of the room.

If I ever ask you a question about ultimatums, and you don't know how to answer, always choose the very last choice as this will be the one I want you to choose.

If you ever come home and I am watching television on the verandah, please look after me, as we don't have a television on the verandah.

If I ever tell you that I am going back with Trotsky, say no, say no it is the wrong thing to do. Don't say no because you are scared I will leave you for some revolution. Don't say no because you are bored.

If I ever leave you because I become too content, too complacent, with all that surrounds you, just go to sleep and forget about me.

If I ever tell you about the six holed double adapter in our lounge room and how whenever I plug something into the fourth hole the third hole sparks, this is the sign, that I am leaving you for a Trotskyite who watches fictional television on the verandah and never gives ultimatums and never watches football.

The six holed double adapter in our lounge room will never be spoken of otherwise. Don't try and ask me about it Jude, because I will shake my head and tell you I am not ready. If I loved you, I'd let you go, but I do not.

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