Here are some photos from the community arts project titled Come Home which was held in a house in Townsville and was a collaboration between Stuart, Garbutt and Central state schools, along with local and not-so-local art types.

Me and that little toe tapping individual and some railway worker, ha.

Rurik standing in front of the projection curtain.

Tom, Rurik and I sitting on the deck chairs .

A fish net wall of stuff.


This tank has a light sensor on it and when you open the drawer it starts shooting at you (with sounds and lights) its pretty cool and scary.

Rurik on the phone.

Tom dancing in front of the projection curtain.

Little television.

This is a caravan that a little girl made. It is her grandfathers caravan. I don't have her name, but it is insane.

Phone. If you pick it up, it talks to you.

These are cut outs of little people's bodies.

This is Shane and stained glass.

Tom on the phone.

These are jars with photographs inside them.

The head phones make music sounds.




Letterbox horsey and windmill.

This is a little paper girl watching the gate. She looks like she is tapping her foot.
I am going to Brisbane on Sunday.
The end.
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