Art exhibition & Zine launch
Friday 29th August - 3rd October 2008
@ The Space - Artist Run Initiative
We give you the propaganda that has passed through our eyes, been processed by our minds and re-projected within these images and lines. An insight into two of its most fundamental elements and how, whilst existing as separate entities, art and sex combine as elements of propaganda and propaganda of both sex and art.
I present to you an ideology of pride and draw attention to perspective as this is ours. The message will be accepted for what is and that will be the end of that, this is art sex propaganda.
I draw attention to the art that is bought and sold like mad and to the art that is handed out for free. I draw analogy to human beings being paraded around in the darker scene for the pleasure of sexual fiends and profitable means. Though I reiterate that this is the perspective of one human being…
The exhibition is to coincide with the release of the Art Sex Propaganda zine. This will be the first issue of the zine and will be launched in an exhibition style format.
The opening of the exhibition and release of the zine will also be the platform to launch the space.
For the purpose of this exhibition artworks are to be presented in, any non digital artistic medium. These mediums include drawing, stencil, painting and aerosol. On the surface of board, paper, canvas etc.
Each artist has an approximate area of two square meters of space in which to work. Size and number of works is up to the artist, within this space. This can be discussed further with curatorial team and space staff. Installation will begin on the Monday 25th August until 28th of August 2008.
The exhibition will run for a period of five weeks, beginning on Friday 29th August and continue until
The exhibition will be held in The Space – Artist Run Initiative, located in
Contact details are as follows thespaceari@gmail.com and the space by appointment until it opens, on 0401099094. Between the times of
All works have to be at the space by the Monday 24th August.
Contact: thespaceari@gmail.com
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